Friday, December 30, 2005

Didier van Cauwelaert

After weeks spent in attempts to find time to finish reading the novel that I've mentioned in the previous posts, I finally finished reading it today and feel so sorry about the fact that the story is over and there's nothing left to read about a happy man who didnt know he was actually happy until he died. There was one thing in the novel that touched me and made me think it over as in a way it was about me: in one of the passages one of the girls talking about his death mentioned that the state in-between is the only thing we can get in the after life, although all the people (including me) talking about their "after-life" experience were quite sure that the place they were taken to was Heaven; this girl seemed quite sophisticated in it and suggested it might be a trick to make certain people (who'll tell about that to the rest of humanity) be sure there's a peaceful place like Heaven, so that they could return into their bodies. But its not the point. It was just one if the things that made me think over the novel.
As for the style, to my mind, it's brilliantly written and must be highly praised, althoough I couldnt really judge about the language as originally its in French, which I dont understand (feel like I should learn it after all!) and to crown it all it was translated into Russian, which makes it harder to understand certain things that the author meant. It also has a lot to do with the title of the novel. For instance, in Russian it was translated like "The After LIfe" and in when I translated its original title "La Vie Interdite" into English with the help of altavista it turned out to be "The Prohibited Life". The very meaning that the author tried to carry with the title was lost and now am trying to figure out what it really was that he wastrying to say.
I couldnt find any information either about him or about the novel in English, so I gave up and started translating unskilfully written reviews which didnt help me that much.
The only thing I want to add is that this book is really worth reading and discussing, not only because of its unusual plot but also because of the unusual style of writing I wish I possessed.
Find time for it and maybe it'll change your life and your attitude to your close people, and finally you'll understand how much you love them and how much there's to be said before there's no more opportunity to utter a single word.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Well done, Anna!


Hurray!.. Excellent mark for my poor English. No mistake? I hope, there's no mistake in evaluating my present knowledge of such a hard language as English. I want to address all the English-speakers reading it: in spite of all difficulties and oddity of it I'm desperately in love with the English language. (You can't imagine how simple it seems in comparison with German (ugh...!)!)

Thank God, it's all over with exams for THIS year! Now I can a sort of relax and enjoy an endless row of parties with friends, group-mates, clubbers (by this I mean the numerous members of the English club), and my family and my little sweet nephew who calls me Anechka:) and winks at me... (am perplexed...-he's only 1.9)

Does anyone want to join me in my pre-New Year's revelry? (;-) - you're invited)

Brother said hi from a snowdrift where he temporarily was after a regular attempt to ice-skate like teenagers do. I told him he's too old for such stuff ;) Actually, am glad that he's having fun there and miss him a lot. I'm very proud of him as he's decided to change his life and become healthy.

Last Friday went to the cinema at first hoping to see the ....4th? film about Harry Potter and his endless adventures but then I met a girl who made me stutter with laughter at her description of the Chronicles of Narnia. So went to see if the description was true-to-life. And you know what? - I thought they would kick us out of the cinema as we were disturbing others with our own interpretation of the fairy tale. And you know what? - I loved the film, as it was only the second Matrix when I laughed like that last time. I advise all of you to go and see it as it leaves positive emotions for the rest of the night ( our case: at 1 or2am after the film was over we were trying to get a cab in the street and at the same time produce an impression of decent girls not being involved in prostitution:)) - everyone got home finally though we all looked like a frozen chicken in a plastic package taken from the fridge after a month's no need for it.
Oh it's so terribly cold here! Even my eyelashes freeze!
I'd better go and have something warm to drink before the evil magician from the The Chronicles will freeze me with her stick... scared

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

... with text-books under the Christmas tree

...that's life... someone's bathing in the sunlight, having unforgettable holidays somewhere in the other part of the Earth... and am here in the snow beautifully glittering in the not less smiley sun! And it's the best place you can be in this time of the year!

It's Russia, it's my home:)

I'm glad to be home and enjoy everthing life offers me here and am very sorry that some of my friends cannot be here at home for different reasons. I just wanna tell all of them that I love them and I always think of them. You're always here in my heart - this is your home, your place to be. I wish those of you who're celebrating Catholic Christmas all the best, all the luck you can get and HEALTH, as there's nothing else that can bring you wealth, prosperity and happiness whatever it is for you. I love you all and believe me, wanna be with each of you:)

By the way, a note for those, who are getting sunk in the snow - take care and be patient - soon it'll be over, and don't forget to smile, cause winter is the magic time when all the fairy tales become true and all our wishes come true.

...modest Anna's going to have a bit of learning as according to the Russian university schedule I have to take exams right in the middle of the New Year's celebrations, which is gonna be tough for me to handle. Ugh... Anyway, am full of love to this world:)

Bridget Jones has been the best cheering up factor lately. Can't possibly put down this book.
My diary looks so unattractive in comparison to hers. Hmm, must work on it.

I've started my yoga + belly dancing lessons AGAIN. Feels great - becoming more emotional and sensual. Wanna open another me... Is that according to Buddha's theory or is it my own invention?

Among the rest of the latest news: my brother has finally left for Georgia for TWO weeks:( am gonna commit suicide now - there'll be no friend around for the whole TWO weeks!

oh my God, am sitting here under the Christmas-whatever tree completely surrounded by noone... Where are the dogs? Naida? Mr.Bean? hello?...

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Who's the boss?

You can laugh at the destiny's face, but she (he - optional) will catch you in the most unsuitable moment of your life and will make cry and beg to leave you like you used to live. I don't want to sound philosophycal nevertheless.
The thing is that I've recently discovered how unpredictable life is. It can make you go sick because of its void if you expect a slap in the face and will strike you like lightening if you see it in the cloudless perspective. The funniest thing about that is that there's no remedy against it and no way out. Hmm, why, if there's God, he makes us suffer from things we ourself cannot change?
Is it called a trial then? And why are we supposed to undergo those trials without our own wish? How can anyone who is not you know what you exactly need to go through to learn this or that life lesson?

Monday, December 05, 2005

the after life impressions and the present day resolutions

Reading about the after life makes me want to pull my hair out and inspires at the same time. However it is weird that i got absorbed by that strange though undoubtedly enigmatic novel. It gets me right there where I once was taken after an operation 4 years ago. I haven't finished reading it yet but i'm looking forward to draw a conclusion about the after life experience together with the authour. We'll see what happens next to my flying in the unreachable world. Hmmm....wasn't even sleeping last night - digesting.
Maybe th authour is right and we don't get the meaning of our life until we're dead?
By the way the authour of that novel is French which makes me angry with the whole French population because of their ability to create the most outstanding things ever.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Начинающий писатель?.. или как?

Oh, finally i've done that - thank you God for the inspiration you gave me to start on my journal. Hopefully, I'm not gonna be too bored writing about my wierd existance here. Although, I do hope to amuse someone with my constant changes and permanent dilemnas.
Для всех, кто понимает русский, отдельное приветствие от самого милого и пушистого ежика на этой Земле:)
Красота спасет мир? - Не-а, доброта...