Sunday, May 17, 2009

Destino e Atena Lucana

Siamo stati di nuovo a Atena Lucana - un paese bellissimo di 2 mila abitanti, completamente sperduto nelle montagne - e abbiamo reincontrato persone meravigliose. E stata la seconda volta che ci siamo andati all'improvviso...
Questo mi ha fatto pensare - forse noi tutti siamo predistinati ad alcuni eventi speciali, incontri meravigliosi e l'amicizia che dura la vita; perche quello che succede con noi come destino, e stato sempre dentro di noi e nella nostra vita.

Saturday, May 02, 2009

Truths and Rights

Where do we live? How do we make our life happen? Who rules us? Who makes the rules to which we live further on? Who is the master? Are you the master of your own mind? Are you being dictated or are you dictating the rules for your life?
Dont listen to them! Dont be like them! Be like you! Be free!
And think about it!
Tak some time to think! Thinking is a something we cannot afford in this world of fake truths and fake rights!
Build your life today! Be yourself!

Friday, May 01, 2009

a love letter

My thoughts go out to you, my immortal beloved.
I can live wholly only with you or not at all. Be calm my life my all.
Only by calm consideration of our existence... can we achieve our purpose together. Oh, continue to love me, never misjudge the most faithful heart of your beloved.
Ever thine.
Ever mine.
Ever ours.

Ludwig van Beethoven.

Monday, April 20, 2009


Nessuno puo essere sicuro che lui non e snob, perche questo tipo della sicurezza altezzosa e gia snobismo

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Al Pacino

Нужно не останавливаться. Знаете, есть такая пословица: «Тот, кто упорствует в своем безумии, в один прекрасный день окажется мудрецом».

Friday, February 13, 2009

Love is on the EARTH

Despite of some rather pessimistic and unromantic people convincing us, that romance is either dead or ridiculous, Google found a proof that those people have been mistaken.
This time of the year the whole world becomes romantic: people start smiling at you, boyfriends send you flowers and sweets, birds sing all night and air smells like spring already. Everything shpaes in the form of a heart, your heart that is filled with love and hope for love. So does our Earth. On these pictures, there is the most precious gift the Earth could give us: an island shaped in the form of a heart. Happy St. Valentine's Day! Love!

Saturday, February 07, 2009

Moonlight Serenade

Today I felt like never waking up. I felt tired, sleepy, empty and lifeless. I felt all my energy go away with the birds saving themselves from cold winter.
I guess this state of emptiness comes from that kind of loneliness that cannot be either described or forgotten.
Lying in my bed with soft Sinatra's serenades carassing me like pure silk and cashemere, I was wishing the lights in the house I was looking at would never go off. The song awakenes my heart and makes it squeeze like a rotten apple.
All my attempts to talk failed. All my thoughts are about us sharing everything we have. Call me a romantic when I say I want passions on top of passion, when I say I want to speak one language to someone who refuses to listen.
I wish I didnt lose myself so many times that now out of nowhere I feel the need of rescuering my heart.
What's the point of having wings and never fly? What's the point of being talented and not use it? What's the point of having life and never living it to the full?
How on Earth did we get into this mess of never being happy in life.
We are perpetually told that we are not supposed to enjoy what we do, to love who we marry or to travel when we can. When did the world become so boring, I wish to free myself from it as soon as I can?
Why do I wish to find myself in a peaceful place full of NO people? Does it have anything to do with my life in present? What am I missing? What are WE all missing?
Have we become pessimistic or simply BORING? Have we become fools afraid of real love, real dream and real life?
I wish I could change something, at least something... with a little bit of talking.