Tuesday, January 24, 2012

My new account

I've changed my blogspot account. It is now: www.willseek.blogspot.com Visit, read and comment!

Saturday, January 07, 2012

Baby dreams

So many times I've been gazing my baby while she was sleeping. I've always wanted to know whether she was dreaming something, seeing something in her sleep. There are some interesting facts about sleep I didn't know. Dreaming happens during REM sleep (Rapid Eye Movement) – the term used to indicate that we are actively engaged in the act of dreaming, rather than just in deep, physically restorative sleep. REM sleep is thought to be the most important factor for mental revitalization while sleeping. In fact, Scientists have proven that when people miss out on actual REM cycles of sleep there are all kinds of symptoms, including difficulty with learning and memory. Non-REM sleep is important for allowing the body a chance to physically restore itself, whereas REM sleep actually helps in mental restoration. And a newborn baby spends between 50 to 80% of total sleep time in the REM stage of sleep!
Some scientists say that since infants don't have language, their dreams probably consist of imagery without any dialogue. They are also unlikely to have nightmares, since they don't develop real fears until 2-3 years.
And still I wish I knew what she was dreaming, when she wakes up all radiant and happy))

Friday, December 30, 2011

My wishes to YOU for the coming 2012

Another year has passed. We only have one more day left. Just one day to reflect on what WE have done to make this Earth a better place. Have we had enough respect to save what we take for granted? Have we had enough courage to stop those who in front of us tried to ruin it? Don't try to turn away and say it's none of your business, don't pretend it has nothing to do with you or your future, or your children's future. We all are in the same place and it is our job to supervise it and take care of it. Now, I know that those who read this blog have already done a great job saving our planet. I know they are conscious and wise.
I have a baby girl and I take her to park every day. What I see there makes me go out of my head. I see teenagers damaging swings and slides. I also see other parents tolerating all of this. Every time. It happens everywhere. Some places may seem better but people are always the same. But I do not tolerate this, as I hope and I hope some things can change if we contribute. I talk to these teenagers and explain them they will have children too.. Where will they have to play? It works so much better than shouting or calling the police. These teenagers look at me differently. And I know that they laugh at me later together. I also know that when they are alone, they will know I am right.
So yes, we have to supervise one another. It is our job to make this planet a better place to live. Don't stay and watch while someone damages a slide or your voting system. Don't stay away when your friend is taken to prison for nothing. Don't tolerate when your goverment takes you for cattle. One single person can change a lot. I wish you that in the coming year! I wish you to have more freedom in your lungs and more respect in your head, so that your heart can beat happily!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Destino e Atena Lucana

Siamo stati di nuovo a Atena Lucana - un paese bellissimo di 2 mila abitanti, completamente sperduto nelle montagne - e abbiamo reincontrato persone meravigliose. E stata la seconda volta che ci siamo andati all'improvviso...
Questo mi ha fatto pensare - forse noi tutti siamo predistinati ad alcuni eventi speciali, incontri meravigliosi e l'amicizia che dura la vita; perche quello che succede con noi come destino, e stato sempre dentro di noi e nella nostra vita.

Saturday, May 02, 2009

Truths and Rights

Where do we live? How do we make our life happen? Who rules us? Who makes the rules to which we live further on? Who is the master? Are you the master of your own mind? Are you being dictated or are you dictating the rules for your life?
Dont listen to them! Dont be like them! Be like you! Be free!
And think about it!
Tak some time to think! Thinking is a something we cannot afford in this world of fake truths and fake rights!
Build your life today! Be yourself!

Friday, May 01, 2009

a love letter

My thoughts go out to you, my immortal beloved.
I can live wholly only with you or not at all. Be calm my life my all.
Only by calm consideration of our existence... can we achieve our purpose together. Oh, continue to love me, never misjudge the most faithful heart of your beloved.
Ever thine.
Ever mine.
Ever ours.

Ludwig van Beethoven.

Monday, April 20, 2009


Nessuno puo essere sicuro che lui non e snob, perche questo tipo della sicurezza altezzosa e gia snobismo