Friday, September 28, 2007


I love Freedom! I long for freedom! I am locked in my body unable to free my soul..
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Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Music of the soul sounds inside of me with every breath taken. It goes into my lungs deeper and deeper just like Madonna wants it, and insatiable just like Darren Hayes wants it. Books I read songs I listen, places I go – they all reflect my passion, never-ending passion. Fashion bars I go for a cocktail – all in red with red candles all around the place, soft sensual music spiced with a Cosmopolitan, penetrates my bare self. I squeeze my hands in temptation, eyes sparkling, becoming insane, my hearts beats faster and faster. So fast is my heart that I cant feel my breath. Close my eyes and feel my body dissolve in the unknown. I drown in the Universe, in the pure emotional side of it. I speak the language of the Universe, I can feel every breath of it. We are connected for ever and this is divine for it makes me scream with excitement. It makes me think about lovemaking, slow and gentle, both lovers looking into each other’s eyes, holding hands, kissing each other’s egos and dissolving in the unknown, becoming common. Isn’t that a paradise, the holy place you wish you were taken for ever? Isn’t this the moment to live and love for?
I have traveled all around the world to get here, to get here and closer, even deeper into the common sense. When this holy orgasm reaches me I forget time, place, everything material. In fact, I hate material. I have no love for those who die for it. They lose themselves. There is the ultimate happiness of being a part of the Universe and being connected, deeply connected to it.
The Universe is Love, pure love. Another definition of it might be sex or lovemaking. Every act of love opens a door to the universe which tells us its secrets and, those sacred moments of orgasm seem to last for hours, for ever…Those moments of flying above your own self, when your body lets you go and kiss the eternity we embrace the very meaning of us.
Thank you, for I learned to fly. I fly whenever I want and reach places I have never seen and people I have never met. I fly and reach my beloved on other continents and yet so close, here in my mind. I see all the colours of the world, hear its every whisper, and love every bit of it. I completely belong to it in my heart and my mind, give myself to this feeling and explode. I explode at the thought of reaching the top of the highest mountain, swimming in the deep ocean and flying high in the sky like a bird all at the same time of my ultimate life orgasm and the main music theme of my life!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

The Goddess

When he calls me an angel, it makes me smile nervously and tremble for I am afraid of being loved and appreciated the way I am supposed to. Love makes me weak; it makes me want to close in my little world of dreams and sit there quite. How come a woman, God’s best creation is afraid to be called what she is?
Monica Bellucci, a woman who makes my heart stop to see her deep as an ocean eyes. She is so deep and tantalizing I cant think of getting myself distracted. It’s a woman of immense power, strong will and God’s given talent.
I turn my head away from her and stare at the flowers he sent me. Young fresh lilies just about to bloom, so innocent, so angelic. The mid-night words so powerful inside of me “I miss you, angel”.
Angel. Woman. A woman is an angel?
I am tantalized. My ears get the magic sounds of Madonna. Her powerful voice, sensual music, her piercing knowing eyes stop my mind for a second. I drown in Madonna. I drown in Monica. I drown in women whom I call angels for they bring light, for they bring meaning to life full of emptiness. They make you think, they never leave you emotionless, you hate them, and you love them.
I adore them. They are angels in devil robes. And I am one of them. I am a woman to make a difference. I look into Monica’s eyes and I see the reflection of mine. I hear Madonna’s speech and feel her energy coming out and I feel it’s a part of me. It has always been a part of us.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Romance at 3 in the morning

And when the lights go down, the streets drown in the darkness of the night and the silence of this lonely hour, I go out to meet you. Your footsteps are heard to me miles away from where I am presently. In every corner cats are waiting for you to appear, just like I am. They are obsessed, just like I am, with the idea you will come out of the dark corner where you have been hiding for the past years while I was still on that lonely street patiently waiting for you. The road to you, so long and sweet, is paved with lilies.

Monday, September 10, 2007


Мое желание обладания тобой превратилось скорее в навязчивую идею, не позволяющую мне свободно дышать и раскрывать глаза. Я боюсь и зажмуриваюсь в надежде увидеть тебя и разглядеть черты своей неугасающей страсти более побродно. Из благородности ты бы мог выпустить меня из своих объятий и дать мне отдышаться хорошенько и подумать.. Но ты лишь сжимаешь меня все крепче и целуешь мои мысли о тебе, убаюкивая их своим неповторимо страстным голосом. Ты сводишь меня с ума..