Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Who's the boss?

You can laugh at the destiny's face, but she (he - optional) will catch you in the most unsuitable moment of your life and will make cry and beg to leave you like you used to live. I don't want to sound philosophycal nevertheless.
The thing is that I've recently discovered how unpredictable life is. It can make you go sick because of its void if you expect a slap in the face and will strike you like lightening if you see it in the cloudless perspective. The funniest thing about that is that there's no remedy against it and no way out. Hmm, why, if there's God, he makes us suffer from things we ourself cannot change?
Is it called a trial then? And why are we supposed to undergo those trials without our own wish? How can anyone who is not you know what you exactly need to go through to learn this or that life lesson?


Anna said...

gracias, amigo:) you're sent on the Earth to cheer me up and make me smile:) Still, I cant agree with your chaos theory, there should be something to face it away from all the misfortunes it may offer.

Anna said...

I finally feel that harmony inside of me and am thankful to whatever it is in this world to give me that tranquility. It's a matter of time, I suppose, but however, I'm quite certain about the fact that we can rule our life:)