Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Well done, Anna!


Hurray!.. Excellent mark for my poor English. No mistake? I hope, there's no mistake in evaluating my present knowledge of such a hard language as English. I want to address all the English-speakers reading it: in spite of all difficulties and oddity of it I'm desperately in love with the English language. (You can't imagine how simple it seems in comparison with German (ugh...!)!)

Thank God, it's all over with exams for THIS year! Now I can a sort of relax and enjoy an endless row of parties with friends, group-mates, clubbers (by this I mean the numerous members of the English club), and my family and my little sweet nephew who calls me Anechka:) and winks at me... (am perplexed...-he's only 1.9)

Does anyone want to join me in my pre-New Year's revelry? (;-) - you're invited)

Brother said hi from a snowdrift where he temporarily was after a regular attempt to ice-skate like teenagers do. I told him he's too old for such stuff ;) Actually, am glad that he's having fun there and miss him a lot. I'm very proud of him as he's decided to change his life and become healthy.

Last Friday went to the cinema at first hoping to see the ....4th? film about Harry Potter and his endless adventures but then I met a girl who made me stutter with laughter at her description of the Chronicles of Narnia. So went to see if the description was true-to-life. And you know what? - I thought they would kick us out of the cinema as we were disturbing others with our own interpretation of the fairy tale. And you know what? - I loved the film, as it was only the second Matrix when I laughed like that last time. I advise all of you to go and see it as it leaves positive emotions for the rest of the night ( our case: at 1 or2am after the film was over we were trying to get a cab in the street and at the same time produce an impression of decent girls not being involved in prostitution:)) - everyone got home finally though we all looked like a frozen chicken in a plastic package taken from the fridge after a month's no need for it.
Oh it's so terribly cold here! Even my eyelashes freeze!
I'd better go and have something warm to drink before the evil magician from the The Chronicles will freeze me with her stick...

...am scared

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