Sunday, January 15, 2006

about a lonely lion and his grey beard

It's a story about a lonely lion with a grey beard.
It's a story about the lion that performed in a circus and was imprisoned there by the circus director, who simply "used" him as people often do with those who "belong" to them.
It's necessary to mention that the circus director treated him quite well and was a very generous, but it does not make any difference since he has a "property", because owning means being selfish in one's wishes. And that's the way he was.
When the lion was still young and energetic he dreamt about freedom and fighting for it. He dreamt about a pretty female-lion and their little lions playing on the meadows in Freedom.
But as it usually happens the dream is just a dream. And as it always happens the external circumstances do not let us make our dreams come true.
Years passed and the lion was still imprisoned in the circus remembering about his vague dream while producing all those impossible acrobatic feats he didnt fit for anymore and travelling with the circus cast thrown in a jail. He was very unhappy. He lead the life that he didnt want to lead. It was not his "model" of living. It was someone else's. Why did he have to surrender?
Why didn't he run away from the circus? Maybe he was too devoted to the director? Maybe he simply did not know HOW to make his dream come true and was afraid of staying ALONE?
At least he had his meals and his own cage where he spent rainy/snowy nights in a company of severe winds and bare trees with their foliage falling down in the cage.
One day, when the lion's beard went grey and his energy went down, the circus went bankrupt, the director let out the lion. He left him all ALONE. ALONE. ALONE... with his dreams... that came true too late.

Or, maybe, it's never late to have your dreams come true even if it's too late, even if you have no more time left to enjoy them, if you're no longer young and cannot run and jump and have a young female-lion with little lions around you?

(inspired by Tonino Guerra's script of an animated film shot by a RUSSIAN film director)


Anna said...

suppose you would love to let yourself free, but someone who has a power on you would not? what next? what if you must follow an impossible design of life which is either not yours and not for you? It does not only have to do with Freedom in its common sense, but also another kind of freedom, freedom from what you're supposed to do, freedom for creating something in different cicumstances suiting you better than those you are in.
Everyone knows that although I officially was born in Russia, and am quite proud of being Russian, but at the same time, feeling my greek blood, I clearly understand that Russia is not MY country and honestly I would prefer to live on a Greek island and thus be free.
Once a wise young man told me about the two types of freedom: for and from. The best and the most productive type, he said, is freedom for, i.e. freedom for creating, for discovering yourself, for sharing things with other people. I still remember everything he taught me and try to follow it. So, I wont wait until I "have my beard go grey" and will make myself and others happy.

Anna said...

quite true! very wise, must say:)