Sunday, June 24, 2007

Martini on a Saturday night

In the world where my best friend is the laptop can I hope to find something more "real" than that? A brilliant home-made Versace without a flaw or a Johnny Depp black-and-picture without a hint of an unnaturality? Can I make anything real in the world where people screw without love and then marry without sex? Can I be an old-fashioned girl still believing that somewhere out there in the darkness of this misery I will find something worth living for?
Sometimes I ask myself the question which makes me wonder: are there any bounderies? Does all my life have to go straight according to the plan once made up in my head: the ONLY one, a great home, job, possibly kids and opera every Friday... Maybe not? Maybe the plan can maintain some alterations like marrying a homosexual friend, adopting a kid from China and watching opera on TV on Tuesdays?
Stiil thinking whether its better to believe in dreams and try to make them happen or make the most of what I can.
Great nights with fabulous friends in Kassel! No future! Only NOW!


Anonymous said...

mozhet dejstvitelnno stoit zhit segodnjashnim dnjom, a to sto dolzhno proizoiti ono proizojdet, a 4emu ne suzhdeno slu4itsa - net...

Anonymous said...

It was jesus who enveloped it first:

/Do not worry about tomorrow; tomorrow will take care of itself. Sufficient for a day is its own evil/.

Anonymous said...

Don't write flubdub. The laptop is not you only friend..