Thursday, November 27, 2008


I want moments of never-ending happiness. I want passion strong and destructive as the atomic bomb. I want attention through speech and eye contact. I want freedom of a slave. I want run in the rain, and make love when it snows. I want to hold hands long hours when nobody speaks and TV is off. I want peaceful beauty of the glowing moon. I want nothing to be in my way when I am on the way to you.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

pieces of italy and its hidden beauty

All the photographs displayed below, belong to the great Italian artist Mauro Patrizi.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Enjoy the ride

I repeat it to myself everytime I feel angry about wasting my time: Life is very short and I should make the most of it regardless of what I feel in the present. Maybe I am angry, maybe I feel helpless and tired, but thinking about it, I know: I cannot stop now and give it up. I have to make my life happen right here and right now. Breathe in and out. Stop for a second. Think about the result, think about sunny days and lovely sea, smiling children and love-making... Better. Now, life is beautiful and worth-living, no matter what. Never forget that and enjoy the ride.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The best book ever written!

Some parts from the "Muri d'autore" by Lello Criscuolo:

Muro di Frosinone:
Le cose bella della vita:
o sono illegali
o sono immorali
o fanno ingrassare!!!

Beautiful things about life:
are either illegal,
or make you put on weight!!!

Bagno di una scuola di Milano:
Il mondo e una torta di merda
la scuola e la fetta piu grossa

The world is a cake made of shit
school is the biggest part of this cake.

Stazione di Napoli:
Brutti negri e marocchini
tutti nei forni
by N.A.I.
Noi lavorare
noi non cattivi
noi non rubare

Those ugly black and Moroccan people
all of them in bakeries.

We to work
We not bad
We not steal

Muro di Bologna:

Loro tutti a rubare
E noi tutti a guardare
la prossima vola ricordiamolo
quando andiamo a votare

They all steal
and we all watch it
next time we have to remember it
when we go to vote

Muro di Ancona:

Che giornata stupenda!
Non ho visto ancora la mia ragazza

What a beautiful day!
I haven't seen my girlfriend yet

Stazione di Rimini:

Per la mia ex che amo tanto.
Chissa cosa fai
chissa se hai trovato amore
o anche tu come me
cerchi soltanto le avventure
perche non voui piu piangere.
by Vasco

For my ex who I love so much.
Who knows what you do
who knows if you have found love
or just like me
look only for adventures
because don't want to cry anymore.

Muro di Roma:

La vita e come uno specchio
se la sorridi, ti sorride

Life is like a mirror
if you smile at it, it smiles at you

Muro di Padova:

Io sono felice con ogni donna,
a condizione di non amarla

I am happy with every woman
on the condition of not loving her

Stazione di Napoli:

Non si puo odiare o amare
una donna se non dopo
averla capita

It is impossible to hate or love
a woman if not after you have
understood her

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Nothing to expect until you fall into it - that is the new definition of loving

Its inevitable that when you open your heart to someone, anything can come inside, even something that you would have never expect.
A couple of days ago my good friend was going to have the most "fabulous and amazing" wedding ever. Everything was planned and prepared for her to go down the aisle telling the "I do" promise. She seemed the happiest girl in the whole world. And that was until 3 days before the wedding she got a call from her fiancee telling that the wedding had to be cancelled. I would not share all the personal details and the details of the tragedy that happened that day, but I must say that the wedding was cancelled due to very important personal facts of the negative character. My friend was in utter shock, but supported her fiancee and the wedding is now postponed to be in December. But that support which she has given him that day was priceless, something she had to do for his sake, and that was the kind of support she was never expecting to give.
My thought after her call to me was: are we all to pass through these painful moments for love's sake? Am I supposed to be waiting long hours at the airport for the plane that is 4 hours already, cause the company is on strike? Am I supposed to be not eating for 2 days and not sleeping for 48 hours to be with someone who might be worth it?
I am thinking: what are the things that we might do for the sake of love?
My expectations were different from I got.
When I opened my heart I would never expect a ghost knocking on my bedroom door and all those midnight rumours that make my hair stand. I would never expect waiting long hours on the bench in a foreign country not knowing of when and if he would ever come back and be free for me.
But in a way, arent we all sacrficing, arent we all putting up with things which previously we never thought about? And if we all do that, do we not call it, all in all, L O V E?

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Inspiring thoughts of great women and men

- Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the universe.
- The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits.
- The fear of death is the most unjustified of all fears, for there's no risk of accident for someone who's dead.
- Any fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage - to move in the opposite direction.
- When you are courting a nice girl an hour seems like a second. When you sit on a red-hot cinder a second seems like an hour. That's relativity.
- The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.

- When the rich wage war, it's the poor who die.
- Fascism is not defined by the number of its victims, but by the way it kills them.
- Only the guy who isn't rowing has time to rock the boat.
- We do not know what we want and yet we are responsible for what we are - that is the fact.
- You must be afraid, my son. That is how one becomes an honest citizen.

- The darkest places in hell are reserved for those who maintain their neutrality in times of moral crisis.
- Remember tonight... for it is the beginning of always.

- I know many beautiful people and their lives are just so terrible. They feel so uncomfortable with themselves. Being comfortable is not about what you look like, but how you feel.

- Experience is what you get while looking for something else.
- You exist only in what you do.

- Anything I've done up till May 27th 1999 was kind of an illusion, existing without living. My daughter, the birth of my daughter, gave me life.
- The only creatures that are evolved enough to convey pure love are dogs and infants.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Резюме на соискание должности жены

На соискание должности жены
Семейное положение: не замужем
Гражданство: Россия


Имею неоконченное среднее образование домохозяйки:

Предмет Отметка
1. кулинария 3
2. вязание крючком неявка
3. теория вышивания гладью и крестиком неявка
4. этика домохозяйки 4
5. основы ведения домашнего хозяйства замужем не допущена
6. основы управления кухонной техникой зачет
7. теория приготовления бутербродов зачет
8. теория и практика работы с мужем неявка
9. КАМАСУТРА (квартирное администрирование местных автономных субъектов универсального типа рабочей активности) 5
10. практика стирки и глажки 3
11. детоводство не допущена


Мужеопытный пользователь со знанием технических особенностей марки и модели

Дополнительное образование:

03.02.86 – 04.02.86 – музыкальная школа по классу фортепиано. Исключена из-за отсутствия таланта и наличия тонкой натуры у преподавателей

05.02.86 – 17.06.86 – школа танцев. Исключена в связи с «отсутствием чувства ритма, слуха, голоса и вообще»

09.11.2003 – 11.03. 2004 – прослушала курс «Выколачивание капитала из кармана мужа»

23.04.2005 – экстерном сдала экзамен по борьбе со скалками и метанию сковородок

1. пользоваться кредитной карточкой парня (жениха, мужа)
2. пользоваться пультом телевизора (не всегда) и компьютером (совсем не всегда)
3. попадать в глаз с одного выстрела («что б шкурку не испортить») в CoD 2
4. читать женские романы (не засыпая!!!!)
5. выводить инструктора и его машину
6. привести себя в порядок всего за 3 часа
7. договориться с Windows, чтобы он не вис (врожденное)
8. прокаченный навык (до 7 уровня) на распознание алкоголя в крови
9. ориентация на местности с картой, компасом, проводником и бригадой спасателей.

1. работать с техникой без вреда для нее
2. готовить то, что кто-то любит
3. играть в футбол по сети

1. окончательное решение редко бывает последним
2. не следую дурным советам – я их опережаю
3. обладаю острым нюхом и профессиональным чутьем на отложенную мужем заначку
4. устойчива к радиации, ядам и замечаниям мужа
5. знание всех типичных мужских отмаз и предлогов


ПК-опытный пользователь: пасьянс, сапер, танчики, the Sims 2: Pets

(вся информация личного характера в данном резюме, к сожалению, не доступна - по понятным причинам)

Thursday, October 23, 2008


Loosing is the most challenging thing a person can experience in life. Loosing a piece of love that's been living inside of you, that you've been growing for the past 7 and a half months is probably the most terrible drama a person can imagine. Loosing a dream, loosing a future, loosing yourself in the darkest possible nightmare. When nothing can heal you, and noone would stop your tears running down your cheeks, when all means nothing from that moment on, your life stops. At least for now you have nothing more to feel, you've lost your hope.
I don't know what amount of time it takes to heal, but I'm sure that time makes you forget everything, even the darkest nightmare.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Friday, October 10, 2008


While everyone keeps talking about the financial crisis over and over again I begin to think of other crisis in life. I remember the “Gone with the Wind” movie, where Scarlet said once: “I shall never starve again, never!” To me then she was an example of rare wisdom and a great heart. I knew I could be like her when it came to me to choose and decide not to starve.
Sometimes I wish money was nothing to all of us, that it didn’t exist at all. I wish we were all a little more free, a little more loving. It makes me think of the perfect life we all could have. It would be the life without money, electricity, gas, oil, wars, greenhouse effect and CO2 emissions, without religion problems and without boundaries, without any visas and without hate. That is probably the life that John Lennon always wanted and dreamt of. That is probably what Dalai Lama was trying to tell us in his lectures, that is what everyone of us wants but never says out loud for the fear of being stupid to others. But I do believe in living “happily ever after”. And while there is a hope, there is a life.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

La Dame aux Camelias

There are few things in life that seem never-ending to me: love and hate. Some even think that love won't exist without hate. Are they actually connected in our mind, I don't know and won't ever know that.
The other night I could not find any sleep, re-reading La Dame aux Camelias, thinking of her story, of my story. Are all love stories in the world interconnected? Do we all find our love story in the eyes of someone else, who has been more brave to spill it out?
My truth about loving would be more hidden: it would be depicted in the Water lilies by Monet, or secretly revieled by the full moon. Sometimes I can't believe how the moon affects me in these particular nights. I find more comfort in the Water lilies hanging on the wall as a humble postcard than in a human conversation which usually leaves me empty and emotionless.
What is the best way to express your emotions when you are a foreigner in another land? How can I learn to express them the same way as the rest of people?
The answer lies in the book. Everything ever written holds the key to life. The answer is always simple and here it is: patience. How could I refuse that thought from the start? So simple: just patience.
I am sure, she, courtisane was of more heart and patience than any other woman with name and position. I am also sure that this woman made an ever-living example to all of us: Love is not always easy, love is not always a pink vanilla dream, love can be harsh, it can be cruel, it can be misleading or destructive, it can be whatever you have never expected it to be, but this doesn't change love itself, Love is always Love, which you can not refuse even if it makes you die. In the end it can only change us, its humble slaves.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Friday, September 05, 2008

Il posto piu bello del mondo

Non posso ancora dimenticare quella notte a Sorrento, la notte piena della bellezza ed amore...

Monday, July 28, 2008

Pour mon amour

Car je suis l’amoureuse, oui je suis l’amoureuse
Et je tiens dans mes mains la seule de toutes les choses
Je suis l’amoureuse, je suis ton amoureuse
Et je chante pour toi la seule de toutes les choses
Qui vaille d’être là qui vaille d’être là..

Grazie per esistere, amore mio..

Poiché sono l'innamorata, sì sono l'innamorata
e tengo nelle mie mani la sola di tutte le cose
io sono l'innamorata, sono la tua innamorata
E canto per te la sola di tutte le cose
che vale di essere là che vale di essere là.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The road to heaven or hell

People always agree on the following: believing in what you want will get you closer to that. Those people, in my opinion, never met with the harsh reality. After waking up the world doesn't seem so friendly and optimistic anymore.
At times it even seems that dreams bring nothing more than dissatisfaction and misery.

The more you want something the more challenges come in your way. And do all those challenges simply mean that we should be wanting harder or that we better give up?

When in life we face a trouble, is it just another challenge on the way to the desired?
And if so, how many challenges we are supposed to have to make sure the dream is worth it?

How do you know if the dream is written in your destiny or if you should stop dreaming?

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Shakespeare in love

Those lines that I before have writ do lie, 

Even those that said I could not love you dearer:

Yet then my judgement know no reason why

My most full flame should afterwards burn clearer. 

Friday, June 20, 2008

Marriage or what to expect


What is the hidden meaning lying behind it? What is the point of spending your life with one person? What drives people to the marriage?

With the whole world settling around me, I start to think about the reasons why they are so afraid of being alone. Are people simply frightened to stay alone for the rest of the life? Or there are some other reasons like social expectations involved?

I am not 100% sure if a 20 year old can be looking for an eternity with someone they've just met. 

Moreover I dont think that any of them would care so much about the social expectations and standards which are usually more frightening for 30 year olds..

Then what drives us young and fresh in our 20 s to follow the road of the eternity?

Do we marry for all the wrong reasons or for true love?

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Destined or responsible?

Sometimes at nights I cannot fall asleep for one simple reason. I think.
I think more and more about the meaning of my life and people coming into my life, their purpose.
And the thought that doesnt let me sleep at times: is everything thats happening is predestined?
Is there a certain life plan to follow with a list of people-to-do and things-to-do?
My good friend has told me once that everything happening is just my own responsibility.
Am I or the destiny responsible for people and things coming to my life? And then if its only me who can take care of this mess, can I change it in one day?
What is the best way to your dreams: dreaming or being fully awake to work?

Saturday, June 07, 2008


This May made me wiser. I would not say older, for several reasons, one of which is that I am officially older now. Wiser in this case means more experienced in the questions of living and loving.

I am looking over at my lonely room and thinking of the times when it was not so empty and when my days were much lighter. I have been lighter.

There are some things that might kill the best feelings even in the optimist, which I used to be. Strangely, I used to play the main part of my life, having all my dreams right before me. Then came an alteration which made me more of a slave.

This year I have also noticed one thing: every year right before my birthday I fall apart, mentally and physically. I start seeing nightmares. I lack trust for people. I lack the desire of being light and easy-going.

This year I have finally understood what the real love is. It is the love for myself, which under no conditions can be replaced with the love of someone for me.  With a little love for yourself you can see life from another angle. It might even surprise you. And after all I am assured that only if you love yourself enough will another person fall in love with you the same way.

This year taught me not to react. Not to react to what other people think, first of all. Not to react on what someone wants from you. Its not exactly freedom, its liberty.
I have learned to listen to my heart and pass my feelings to others. 
I have learned to give people more waiting for the universe to give me back all love I had given.

This year I realised that the most important thing in life is family. And no family can exist without children. Children are those who fill my heart and to whom I hope to give myself the next year.

And yet there is another thing I have not mentioned yet. No matter what happens in life, I would have never managed that without my family and my friends and the mutual love which keeps me strong and alive.


Tuesday, May 06, 2008


Io ti amo così tanto che alcune volte io penso che tu non esisti, che sei solo un bellissimo sogno..

Sometimes I think of the challenges we have on the way to love..
What is there we need to overcome to be closer to our dream? Should we spend nights to still feel the sharp love?

Being in love and loving is the most beautiful thing that ever happens to a man.  Its the only thing worth living, the only one worth breathing and hoping..

I cannot fight breathing and hoping for love, true

Qualche volta io penso alle sfide noi abbiamo sul modo di amare..
Cosa è là noi abbiamo bisogno di superare essere più vicino al nostro sogno? Dovremmo passare notti per ancora sentire l'amore acuto?
Essendo innamorato ed amare sono la più bella cosa che mai accade ad un uomo. Suo l'unico cosa valore vivere, il solamente uno valore respirando e sperando..

Io non posso lottare contro respirando e sperando in amore, il vero amore..

PS Con te partiro

Saturday, April 26, 2008

la liberté vraie

Je ne peux pas imaginer ce qui est plus important dans la vie : étant soutenu librement ou sensation librement. C'est la liberté vraie que je me suis sentie aujourd'hui. Merci!
Я не знаю, что более важно в жизни: родиться свободным или чувствовать себя свободным.
Это настоящая свобода, которую ты я сегодня ощутила.

Sunday, April 20, 2008


"A question that sometimes drives me hazy: am I or are the others crazy? "Albert Einstein.
Вопрос, который иногда меня смущает: это я сошла с ума или все остальные?

Friday, April 18, 2008

My destiny

It's a very touching song filled with beautiful words and angelic sounds.
I hope it will make you feel as good as it makes me feel - forever loving.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

The New Dracula Story

Once upon a time there lived the Dracula in a very old castle. The Dracula was a very nice and an extremely handsome man who enjoyed late night suppers. He always had a lot of friends - vampires and bats - and he had always been famous among people.
All his life he had been living in the Hollywood. As any Hollywood star he had a fan club all over the world. It was very easy to become a member of his fan club: you only had to send the Dracula your name, your address and your bood group.
Every time when his fans came to Dracula's house, he was drinking the Bloody Mary...
Unfortunately, the Dracula had never been married, but he always wanted to have a family. That's why the Dracula had a lot of pets at his house - giraffes.
With his favourite animals he had never felt lonely...

Some people believed that the Dracula had died several hundreds years ago, and only giraffes know that he is still alive...

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Con te partirò

Quando sono solo sogno all´orizzonte e mancan le parole
si lo so che non c´è luce in una stanza quando manca il sole
se non ci sei tu con me
Su le finestre mostra a tutti il mio cuore
che hai acceso chiudi dentro me la luce che hai incontrato per strada

Con te partirò
Paesi che non ho mai veduto e vissuto con te adesso sì li vivrò
Con te partirò
su navi per mari che io lo so no, no, non esistono più con te io li vivrò
Quando sei lontana sogno all´orizzonte e mancan le parole
e io sì lo so che sei con me tu mia luna tu sei qui con me mio sole
tu sei qui con me con me con me

Con te partirò
Paesi che non ho mai veduto e vissuto con te adesso sì li vivrò
Con te partirò su navi per mari che, io lo so no, no, non esistono più con te io li rivivrò
Con te partirò su navi per mari che, io lo so no, no, non esistono più con te io li rivivrò
Con te partirò
Io con te

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

El Tango Argentino

Танго - это не просто танец страсти и любви. Танго - есть жизнь, в ее самом прекрасном исполнении, эта жизнь наполнена биением сердца, когда каждый его удар описывает ритм движения.
все это Я в настоящий момент и описание всего того, что живет внутри меня.
С каждым движением пламенный огонь разгорается все больше и больше, обжигая моего партнера. Танго не оставляет нам ничего, кроме пепла. Танец забирает нашу жизнь и дарит душу Дьяволу, чтобы мы смогли все также сильно и безумно желать друг друга и двигаться в одном ритме.
Мы более не принадлежим себе, отныне мы - его вечные рабы.
Танец, на дающий покоя и отдыха, воспламеняющий все, что живо, отнял мой сон..

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Walking on thin ice

Sweet cherry lips painted in hot colour ask for passion. In a second your glimpse tells me even more than your lips do. Every now and then you bite them, you drink them, you cannot get enough of them. You cannot get enough of me anymore, leaving me helpless, making me surrender even more.

I flash back to the night full of us on the thin river ice. No matter how hard I try to forget your intoxicating smell, nothing can help me now. Nothing can be on my way of thinking about you, wanting you more and more and reading your lips every night in my dreams.

Your last call made me think over your words again and again all day, every day. I am imprisoned by the desire of wanting to hear your voice, your voice telling me about your passion.

I walk on thin ice, not looking back, but right in front of me. I search for the stars and the early morning to arrive soon.

Its a five in the morning love story, happening to us for the first time.

Its the first time we aren't afraid of breaking that thin ice under the feet. Its the first time we aren't thinking about the future of being ashore and are simply enjoying taking steps on thin and yet quite strong river ice.

Its the first time I am going crazy from my passion and desire to live.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Fuoco e ghiaccio

Слезы умывают мое ярко накрашенное лицо, смывают с него тяжесть прошедшего дня и неудавщейся ночи, напряжение, вызванное мыслями о будущем. Что на самом деле важно: подчиниться или идти своей дорогой по просторам Вселенной? Что заставит меня остановиться посреди быстротекущей реки жизни, не боясь проломить хрупкий лед, держащий меня на плаву?
Я всего лишь ветер, неугомонный и изменчивый ветер. Смогла ли я даже на секунду представить себе такой насколько ярким может быть огонь, управляющий воздушным потоком? Смогла ли я предположить, что этот огонь возродит врунтри желание жить?
Тем временем я все еще ломаю хрупкий лед в своем сердце и не перестаю восхищаться насколько прочным он может быть в марте. Мой внутренний лед есть остывшее желание быть собой и не бояться. Мой внутренний лед заставляет меня повторять одну и ту же рутину хорошо заученных действий.
Как истинный последователь каменной теории я продолжаю заземляться, падать и не подниматься. Я стараюсь вдохнуть полной грудью из недр моей давно вырытой могилы, такой холодной, такой неуместной для того, кто желал кремации. Кремация - есть смерть та, которую ищу я. Тот огонь, разгорающийся внутри, уже больно обжигает мою чувствительность.
Боль - это наслаждение или мука?
Наслаждение или мука, что бы оно ни было, оно теплее холодной земли могилы и железных оков, пускающих мою кровь.
Даже мартовский лед проломится под лучами яркого апрельского солнца.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Jean Saul Partre

Дым, нависающий надо мной уже в течение нескольких часов, никак не желает распасться на более мелкие частицы и, таким боразом, покинуть меня и мою уже изрядно затуманенную голову. Мои распущенные волосы глубоко вдыхают его аромат, незапятнанный ничем, кроме того самого сигаретного дыма, старательно обволакивающего его кожу и мой рассудок.
Должен ли бесмыссленный раговор когда-нибудь обрести иной смысл? Останется ли в памяти память о нем? Память, заключенная в особом моменте социальной и половой несправедливости. Та, которую придется нести еще долгие несколько часов.
Вкус шампанского пробивает мое естесство и медленно убивает его. Зачем торопить смерть, если она все равно придет? Зачем играть в покер с судьбой, если она все равно выиграет?
Зачем читать о любви, если она не придет? Зачем держать за руку того, кто решительно намерен упасть?
И зачем забивать до отказа светлую голову подобными вопросами в то время, как в марте вдруг пошел снег, а я в легких туфлях?
Жан-Поль, тот самый с тонкими французсикими чертами лица, прорывается в подсознание Виана и топит мой огонь в очередном бокале.

Thursday, March 13, 2008


Не боясь лотерей
я играю с судьбой.
Сделав шаг-два вперед,
примиряюсь с игрой.
Твердо карту кладу,
зная все наперед,
словно вещий игрок,
предрекаю исход.
Я не верю в судьбу,
но я верю в людей.
Я простила всю ложь,
пропустив карусель.
Мой волчок заведен,
а я молча стою -
Моя роль - есть в антракте
 и запить немоту.
А в театре премьера -
Достоевский "Игрок".
Полный зал в ожиданьи
вдруг панически смолк.
В главной роли представлен
Незнакомый актер..
Его имя грохочет:
"Ты не имя, а вздор!"
Не боясь комплиментов,
поднимаюсь, встаю,
ровной поступью легкой
я на сцену иду.
Мне, поднявшись, вручают
три охабки цветов..
Мое средце не тает -
Я игрок, не "игрок".
Птицу счастья поймала
и удачу держу.
Людям верить пристало
в дьявольщину одну.
Я накрасила щеки
в ярко-пепельный цвет.
Этот мир проклял все,
даже "Новый Завет".
Мой " игрок", отступая,
учит роль и поет,
он готовится, зная,
что спектакль не умрет.
Мой "игрок"  верит в чудо,
верит в счастье и жизнь;
Призрак, полночь и вуду -
не его это стих.
Отправляясь в дорогу,
не прощаясь, без "нет",
мой "игрок" славит небо
за антрактский обед.

Friday, February 22, 2008

It's not that I die of love

It's not that I die of love, I die of you.
I die of you, love, of loving you,
of me needing my skin on yours,
of my soul yours and of my mouth
and the unbearable me without you.

I die of you and me, die of both, of us, of that,
ripped, broken,
I die, you die, that die.

We die in my room, in which I am alone,
in my bed in which you lack,
in the street where my embrace goes empty,
in the movies and parks, in the streetcars,
the places where my shoulder is used to your head
and my hand in your hand
and my whole self knows you as I know myself.

We die in the place I lent to the air
so you're outside me,
and in the place where air ends
when I throw my skin on you
and we know each other in ourselves, separated from the world
blissful, penetrated, and true, unending.

We die, we know it, they ignore it, we die
between us, now, separated,
one of the other, everyday,
falling down in multiple statues,
in gestures we see each other,
in our hands that need us.

Nos morirnos, amor, muero en tu vientre
que no muerdo ni beso,
en tus muslos dulcнsimos y vivos
en tu carne sin fin, muero de mбscaras,
de triбngulos obscuros e incesantes.
Me muero de mi cuerpo y de tu cuerpo,
de nuestra muerte, amor, muero, morirnos.
En el pozo de amor a todas horas,
inconsolable, a gritos,
dentro de mн, quiero decir, te llamo,
te llaman los que nacen, los que vienen
de atrбs, de ti, los que a ti llegan.
Nos morimos, amor, y nada hacemos
sino morirnos mбs, hora tras hora,
y escribirnos y hablarnos y morirnos.

[Jaime Sabines]

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

meditation experience

The process of self-learning in yoga lies in the concept of meditation: absolute concentration on self. In the long process of self-observation you might find out some 
exciting things inside your soul. 
Few days ago, my self-learning deepened at the yoga class. That was the meditation on the candle, which was the first time for me to try this unusual way 
of meditation. The process was quite easy for me to follow. In front of a mirror was to be placed 
a lit candle, so that you can also see yourself in the mirror. There should not be any more light in the room. Now the task for me was to first observe the candle itself and concentrate on fire.
I was frightened: while I was watching the candle light, my head 
disappeared in the mirror. There was no head at all. Then I had a feeling of being a man.  As my teacher later explained me: disappearance of the head is a very good sign, which means I have cleaned my conscious. Being a man or feeling like a man could also be my second self, which is quite an interesting theory.
The second step in this meditation process was observing self as the reflection in the mirror. While looking into my eyes I again saw my head blurred and then disappearing 
altogether.  In the process I saw my face changing into a face of an older me in the age of 60-70.
I would only say, that meditation left me even more pensive on what is there inside my soul.
I came to a certain realization that there exist absolutely no boundaries in the human's mind. In the process of constant meditation and self-talk we become emotionally stronger. We can understand our meaning in life and our emotions on a deeper level.
In the chaotic wild run of life many of us sometimes forget to take time for talking with self, which as I have realised is vital.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Oh Rusia!

Oh Rusia, noble Rusia, santa Rusia,
cien veces noble y santa
desde que roto el baculo y el cetro,
empunas el martillo y la guardanal.
En promontorio de Occidente,
por estas tierras altas
erizadas de sierras, vastas liras
de piedra y sol, por sus llanuras padras
y por sus campos verdes,
sus frios hondos, sus marinas claras,
bajo la negra encina y el aureo limonero,
junto al clavel y la retama,
de monte a monte y rio a rio
oyes la voz de Espana?
Mientras la guerra atruena
de mar a mar, ella te grita Hermana!

Tuesday, February 05, 2008


The  most recent question I have had in mind was concerning my dreams.  That has been ever since last Septmeber when I first started seeing them and in November when my dreams became real.
My unusual dreams referring to the lives of people I know and myself, narrating of coming difficulties or dramas started worrying me more than ever. Waking up Friday morning in a horror that tomorrow morning might bring something unpleasant.
What is the nature of those dreams? Whats the purpose of the precaution if you can hardly change something?
Both Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung identified dreams as an interaction between the unconscious and the conscious. They also assert together that the unconscious is the dominant force of the dream, and in dreams it conveys its own mental activity to the perceptive faculty. While Freud felt that there was an active censorship against the unconscious even during sleep, Jung argued that the dream's bizarre quality is an efficient language, comparable to poetry and uniquely capable of revealing the underlying meaning.
Should I believe Freud on this?
Can it be possible that a mentally healthy person would have the knowledge of the coming disaster or in my case, problems? Do we all initially have all our life written on the back of the mind or is it just a message we're getting from time to time?
And what bothers me and makes me even more curious about the nature of dreams is the their source. This way, if those are God-sent or destiny-sent, then ok I give up, life is pre-written and I am just a plaything. If not - then I am the God of myself and well, whoever is reading 
this is too.